The Two Girls Cycle

The Two Girls Cycle is comprised of two solo shows, Two Girls and Bongani. Both plays are written and performed by Gabrielle Maisels, and are inspired by her family’s experiences in South Africa.

The Two Girls Cycle Publicity Pack


Two Girls

Nine characters come to life in one explosive performance.

A friendship blossoms and struggles in the “new” South Africa. Moving in time and place from Mandela’s South Africa to Obama’s America, Lindiwe, Zulu, and Corinne, Jewish, take on the trauma that apartheid left behind.

“I was mesmerized…amazing acting”   Orient Lodge, Aug. 22, 2010

“Theatre beyond the empty gloss of Broadway…”, August 2010

“Maisels navigates this emotional breakdown with…complete awareness of every emotion in her body, allowing the audience to feel the strife of an entire country.”, Aug. 19, 2010



The mesmerizing tale of a love that could never be 

In post-apartheid South Africa, Bongani hurtles toward destruction. Corinne, from an activist Jewish family, thinks she can rescue him, and her struggling country. Bongani thinks she should rescue herself.

“It is to Maisels’s great credit that this piercingly political play never sacrifices the characters’ complexity or agency in exposing the rottenness of the apartheid system…This lovingly detailed yet epic story somehow fits in Maisels’ single body.” –, Aug 2011

 “On a virtually bare stage…writer/performer Gabrielle Maisels delivered the best one-person show of the festival.  [T]he story will hit you like a hammer to the heart. [O]ne of the finest solo performers I’ve ever been lucky enough to experience.” –, Aug. 2011


Click here to read an interview with Gabrielle from Flux Theatre Ensemble.

If you are interested in bringing Two Girls or Bongani to your venue, please visit the contact page, or email us at