Free Intro Class

Please come to a free acting class to experience The Breath Technique.

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To register, click here and I’ll email back to confirm. If you have questions you’d like to discuss, please send me a phone number and I will happily call you.

Why Study This Technique?

In your acting work, do you feel like there is something you need to “know” that you don’t? Some theory or idea of acting that you need to learn before you can act? There isn’t. It is all inside of you already. It is there waiting to burst out, and our work is to train ourselves to get out of the way, so that the energy is released and the impulses are skillfully followed.

In the Free Intro Class, we will first warm up together, using exercises that build skills such as breath-awareness, impulse awareness, risk-taking, physical-release and deep listening. Then each student will work in front of the class, exploring your text in a new way. The atmosphere is warm, fun and supportive and you will leave with skills you can use immediately.

For more info about me, and this technique, check out the rest of my site. I look forward to meeting you.

Things you need to know: Wear comfortable clothes. Bring pen and notebook if you’ll want to take notes. Please have ready a memorized, one-minute monologue and please be sure to bring a hard copy of that monologue. If you don’t have a monologue, just contact me and we’ll make a plan.